Viral HRD snapped at a new employee who was caught smoking in the room, resulting in an apology - An amateur video has gone viral on social media showing an HRD reprimanding his employees. It can be seen that the HRD was so annoyed that he did not hesitate to call his employees trash. The incident can be seen via uploads from the Instagram account @terang_media.

A man wearing a cream-colored work uniform is known to have HRD status. He was seen scolding an employee in front of many people . The employee who was scolded then begged and apologized for his behavior. However, the HRD seemed reluctant to forgive and tried to remove the ID card in question.

photo: Instagram/@terang_media

"Here's your ID card," said the HRD.

"Sorry, sir," said the employee apologetically.

The HRD then said that the employee was not fit to work for the company. It is known that both of them work under the auspices of PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP). They argued in a closed room.

"You are not worthy of working here," continued the HRD.

Employees who were also around the feud could only watch in silence. They seem reluctant to intervene and get involved with the problem. In the midst of the dispute, the HRD even cursed, calling the employee trash.

"You are trash," said HRD.

photo: Instagram/@terang_media

Knowing that the reprimand would have a big impact on his career, the employee continued to apologize. In fact, he even knelt at the feet of HRD so that he would be given a second chance and that his ID card would not be taken. However, the HRD seemed to be too annoyed, so he asked the employee to let go of his grip.

"Let go," said the HRD.

After investigating, the dispute started because the employees were not disciplined with company regulations. HRD caught him breaking the rules for smoking in a prohibited location. This behavior finally made HRD come to him with overflowing anger.

Not long after the video went viral, a clarification video appeared from the two of them. This dispute finally ended in peace. In uploading this clarification, it is known that both HRD and employees have apologized to various parties.

photo: Instagram/@terang_media

Realizing his mistake, the HRD apologized to the employee he had reprimanded. He admitted that he was sorry for his words and attitudes which were deemed inappropriate. Apart from that, he also apologized to the management and company and all HRD in Indonesia. He is well aware that his actions have tarnished the good name of his profession.

"On this occasion, I would like to apologize to you for my words and attitude," said the man who works as an HRD, quoted by , Monday (24/6).

"I also apologize to management and the company. I also apologize to all HRD for tarnishing the good name of the profession and all of society," he continued.

photo: Instagram/@terang_media

Apart from that, the employee who was reprimanded also felt guilty for his attitude. He admitted that he would not repeat actions that violated company regulations .

"I also apologize to you for smoking outside his place," said the employee.

"In the future I will not repeat it," concluded the employee.

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