Can't get away from your cell phone? These are 5 serious impacts of cell phone radiation on health - As an inseparable part of everyday life, mobile phones have become the heart of modern communication. In today's era, mobile phones provide instant access to information and communication, making them very practical and efficient tools in everyday life. With the ability to connect with other people, access the internet, and run various applications, smartphones have become the center of human activity.

Even so, the sophistication offered by cellphones has a bad impact. The reason is, dependence on smartphones can occur slowly and unnoticed over time. Excessive use can disrupt life balance and mental health. So it is important for every individual to be aware of smartphone usage patterns.

This is done by taking steps to manage and reduce dependency if necessary. If cell phone use is not limited, the health impacts of exposure to the resulting radiation can be threatening. It cannot be underestimated, exposure to radiation produced from cellphones can have an effect on body health .

The following are the serious impacts of cellphone radiation on your health that you can experience when you can't leave your cellphone, summarized by after being summarized from several sources, Friday (26/4).

1. Damage to the eyes.


Using cell phones for long periods of time can cause eye fatigue. This usually starts with eyes that are dry, sore, or feel heavy. Exposure to blue light with a high enough intensity causes the eyes to have to work harder to focus. Plus, the eyes tend to focus on objects that are at close range.

This can cause fatigue in the eye muscles because they constantly work in the same position. This excessive focus encourages the eyes to reduce the intensity of blinking. The resulting eye damage will be felt periodically. Sore eyes and blurred vision are the minimum risks of excessive cellphone use. The most serious effect can cause blindness.

2. Headache and dizziness.


Several studies show that exposure to electromagnetic radiation from cell phones over a long period of time can affect the brain and nervous system, causing headaches. Activities that involve staring at a cellphone screen for too long can also cause tension in the neck and shoulder muscles due to an uncomfortable body position.

This tension can spread to the head and cause headaches. In fact, forcing yourself to stare at and operate your cellphone screen can make you feel nauseous. If you often experience headaches after using your cellphone for a long time, it is recommended to reduce the time you use it, take breaks occasionally, and make sure your sitting position and room lighting support comfort when using electronic devices.

3. Weakened immunity.


Radiation from cell phones or cell phones is generally not strong enough to significantly weaken the immune system. The electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones is generally classified as "non-ionizing radiation," meaning it does not have high enough energy to damage body cells or cause changes to DNA.

However, the conditions under which such radiation will weaken the immune system cannot be underestimated. The body's immune system will defend itself when attacked by viruses or bacteria. It's just that, to fight electromagnetic radiation the immune system has no chance and slowly gets worse.

Keeping your immune system strong can be done by adopting a healthy lifestyle, including eating nutritious food, getting enough rest, exercising regularly, and managing stress. If you have concerns about exposure to cell phone radiation, consider using earphones or a speakerphone when making calls and limiting the time you use your cell phone near your body.

4. Fertility disorders.


Studies on the effect of cell phone radiation on fertility are still ongoing, and the results are not yet completely clear. Several studies show that exposure to electromagnetic radiation from cell phones can impact sperm quality in men.

Exposure to cell phone radiation is believed to increase the production of free radicals in the body, which can damage cells and DNA. Sperm cells are susceptible to DNA damage, and exposure to radiation may potentially increase the risk of this damage (although this is still debated).

However, there is not yet strong enough evidence to conclude that cell phone radiation significantly affects fertility in men or women. However, to reduce potential risks, it is recommended not to carry mobile phones in pockets close to reproductive areas and to use earphones or speakerphone when making calls to reduce direct radiation exposure to the body.

5. Increases the risk of cancer.


Cell phone radiation can increase the temperature of the tissue around the cell phone which can trigger detrimental biological changes. Additionally, several studies have shown that exposure to cell phone radiation can affect the permeability of cell membranes, increase oxidative stress, and affect immune system function, all of which may contribute to cancer risk.

Despite this, evidence about the link between cell phone radiation and cancer remains controversial and inconsistent. Major health organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), have stated that existing evidence is not strong enough to establish a direct link between cell phone use and cancer risk.

To reduce potential risks, it is recommended to use cellphones wisely, such as using earphones or speakerphone when calling, reducing the duration of calls, and not keeping cellphones near the body when not in use.

(Mgg/Robiul Adil Robani)